Room To Read’s Erin Ganju at TEDxBerkeley: ‘Scaling Social Good’

Room To Read Co-Founder and CEO Erin Ganju spoke at the second annual TEDxBerkeley conference held on February 19, 2011 in Berkeley, California. Erin delivered a passionate presentation called ‘Scaling Social Good’ about the impact Room To Read has made on millions of children in the developing world since 2000. The table below from the Room To Read website provides “just the numbers”. Watch the video to hear and see the full story.

Schools 1,442
Libraries 11,246
Books Published 553
Books Distributed 9.4 million
Girls’ Scholarships 10,590
Children Benefited 5.1 million

IMPORTANT: You must fast forward to the timestamp, 1:31:58, to see the start of Erin’s talk. Before you can do this, you will need to wait for a 30-second advertisement to play. Once the commercial is over, you can place your cursor on the gray shaded horizontal tool bar immediately below the screen to skip directly to her presentation. (When TEDxBerkeley posts the individual presenter videos to their website in the coming weeks, I’ll add a postscript to this blog post with the direct link to Erin’s.)

Watch live video from TEDxBerkeley on

3 thoughts on “Room To Read’s Erin Ganju at TEDxBerkeley: ‘Scaling Social Good’

  1. in Boston on three occasions and seen Erin Ganju, Co-Founder and CEO speak at TedX Berkeley (see my eairler blog post). Both John and Erin are inspiring speakers who are firmly committed to Room to Read’s

  2. I saw Erin’s talk at TedX Berkeley on the web; she was very inspiring. It was great to have her speak at our Boston Chapter event last November; the entire room was enthralled. I’ve heard John speak 3 times in Boston. As the founder of Room To Read, his passion comes from the first word he speaks to the end. He is a charismatic and inspirational speaker and reader, who like Erin, is firmly committed to the cause.

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