Aligning Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Goals

Rodney Brown wrote a recent article in Mass High Tech called “Consultants focus on matching the mission“. His piece told the story of ZMR Consulting, which according to their website “offers elite consulting services to align your CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) initiatives explicitly with your authentic business strategy, thereby improving the effectiveness of both.”

President Julianne Zimmerman and her team have created Authenticating REAL, an offering of core services aimed at helping a company align its social responsibility work with its corporate mission. ZMR’s mission statement is compelling to me for many reasons:

  1. From a business standpoint, aligning corporate goals to corporate social responsibility just makes sense. It’s that simple.
  2. Identifying, growing, and sustaining shared corporate values—these tasks are anything but easy.
  3. Dedicating a consulting practice to finding ways to improve this alignment will raise awareness to the importance of volunteer service / corporate philanthropy in targeted companies.
  4. From a personal standpoint, as TRA360 increases its commitment to community service, it’s great to know that a company like ZMR  exists, not only as a resource to us but to our own clients and customers.

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