After spending time at BIO International Conference in June, we have started following the developments of the IEEE. Who are the IEEE you may ask, and we’re delighted to tell you all about them.
First, IEEE stands for Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Tracing back as far as 1884 to a small group of engineers who convened in New York, they strove to provide support for professionals in engineering and help each other to eventually use their innovative characteristics to better society as a whole. They started out as the American Institute of Electrical Engineers with members including Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell. In 1912, when radio became a booming area, the IRE, Institute of Radio Engineers, sprung up along with the field. Both the IRE and the AIEE thrived and boasted large membership counts, but in January of 1963 the two organizations merged to form the IEEE. The day it was formed the IEEE contained 150,000 members, of which 140,000 were domestic to the United States. Since its formation, the IEEE has boomed with membership and now boasts over 395,000 members in 160 countries worldwide.
What does the IEEE offer for people like us who aren’t engineers? The IEEE recently launched the Life Sciences Portal on their website. On the portal there are links to articles pertaining to the new happenings in the life sciences industry. They have banner of articles that give the readers all new information about the ongoings today. As well, there is a technology spotlight pertaining to the newest developments in technology in the life sciences industry and a featured article about something interesting going on today. Can you find out about events as well as news? The IEEE features a side bar calendar with events upcoming in the life science field.
We asked the IEEE’s Content Manager for the Portal, Lee Moffitt, what he thought was the most beneficial thing about the Life Sciences Portal. He said “I believe it is most beneficial in providing a means for people working in the life sciences and those working in technology to come together to learn and cooperate” And we couldn’t agree more. The portal provides an accessible and comprehensive resource for information in the life sciences. Check out what they have to offer and let us know your opinions @TRA360!