I wrote a post a few weeks ago about visiting the Dana Farber Cancer Institute with my Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) friends on Team Kermit.
Anthony Edwards of WCVB TV Channel 5 in Boston did a wonderful video segment of Team Perry last week. The team is named in honor of Perry Levy, who died at age 32 after only two years of marriage to Melissa. He was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer form of the small bowel and passed away only 3.5 months after his diagnosis.
Watch this video. The words from Melissa, Dr. Robert Mayer, Perry’s lead doctor at DFCI, and Perry’s brother Matt are truly inspirational, especially this quote from Paul: “Life will never be the same but that’s doesn’t mean it’s not good; it’s just different.”
Melissa turned this unbelievable tragedy into action. She created Team Perry with another friend 10 years ago. Last year the team had 70 riders and raised $460K. To date, Team Perry has raised nearly $3 million and funds nine fellowships at the Dana Farber. To make a donation to Team Perry, visit the Team Perry profile on the PMC website.