This totally wasn’t a busy week or anything 😛
I spent the first few days volunteering to work at the International Symposium on Nanotechnology at the Westin Hotel and man was it cool. I got to sit in on presentations and discussions about nanotechnology on the cutting edge with some of the world’s leaders in the field. I bet I could school >95% of all business majors on the topic now. I find it so fascinating sometimes I wish I had been a science major. To see gold nanoparticles buzzing around though a high powered microscope was incredible. It is certainly an uphill battle for scientists to catalog all of the new particles being created, especially given the fact that their properties change based on size, structure and relative disparity. The periodic table doesn’t work on the nano sale.
Speaking of awesomeness, I got invited to a Gala at Citizen Schools thanks to John Werner. It was great event filled with tons of people doing interesting things. I made some new friends and had some very interesting conversations about physics and even marketing. I was recommended to read the book Predictably Irrational by Dan Airely and after reading just the first chapter I would pass on that recommendation to anyone. MIT is great at assembling bright minds (Duh) and though it may not be possible, I’m seriously considering making a run at it for my Master’s degree. Sure my GPA isn’t so hot, but
I think they’re looking for things that cannot be quantified so easily. Being around bright minds is like light to my eyes and I want to seek out the best from hereon in.
Speaking of the best, I’ve got to give a shoutout to Hubspot and Brian Halligan. They sent me a free pass to the Inbound Marketing Summit coming up this September which is epic considering it costs $700. I couldn’t thank you guys enough, but I will certainly try. Thanks to me being a student, I also get to attend the entire Future M (Future of Marketing) week for free. Hence my tweet about it with the hashtag #Winning. Sorry professors, but I will not be in class that week. Hopefully they will understand.
It was nice seeing some old friends at the Venture Cafe this week. I realized for my schedule I made months ago that it would overlap with VC’s this fall. Epic fail on my part and I’m doing my best to change it. I find the cafes to be some of the best networking events I’ve attended, and highly recommend it. Today I got to attend a Innovation Breakfast with an intimate group in Waltham. Chatting about social media is always a good time and since I don’t know it all, I like to learn. Like my twitter says, I’m a social media expert in training. I’ll surely be a lot closer after these next few month, but can anyone really be an expert in such a new field? I didn’t think so either…