After learning about the work of Dr. Geraldine Hamilton and her Wyss Institute research team at the BIO International Conference, we wanted to learn more about the strides being made in medicine now that represent the future. We stumbled across the idea of regenerative medicine and found the field incredibly interesting, and hope you do as well.
“The aim of regenerative medicine is to regenerate more fundamentally by the provision of cells, particularly stem cells that can stimulate wider regeneration.” This definition from the Future Science Group provides a scientifically accurate summary of the work in the field of regenerative medicine. But what does any of this actually mean to you and me? In more understandable words, the goal of regenerative medicine is to provide organs and tissue that can eventually be used to cure innumerable diseases.
Again I ask, what does any of this have to do with the average person? Personally, I’m not in any state of critical health, so what impact does regenerative medicine have on my life? For a holistic perspective, you have to think of your entire family and your peers. Three people come into my head immediately: one with diabetes, one with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), and one with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I am fortunate that I do not have immediate family or friends that are waiting for a kidney, heart, or lung transplant in order to survive.
Current research conducted by scientists in regenerative medicine could someday find a cure for the diseases that impact my family, friend, and many others. Just imagine it—diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries—could all be completely curable, the possibilities are endless. Even more than just the curing of diseases, millions of lives could be saved by creating these organs. Everyday 18 people die awaiting an organ transplant. That’s 6,570 individuals every year. Each of these people is someone’s son, daughter, mother, father, cousin, or other loved one. Regenerative medicine could save some of these lives.
In the next few posts we are going to profile some companies and the work they’re doing in the field of regenerative medicine. If you know someone who works in regenerative medicine, or would like to be featured yourself, contact us!