I think I have a networking problem. 4 events in 3 days!
Yesterday I went to a TEDx Boston event at Hubspot in Cambridge. There I learned about something called Inbound Marketing (which ironically I’m doing right now) and got to meet three of the brains behind Hubspot: Brian Halligan CEO and Founder, Dharmesh Shah CTO and Founder, and Joe Caruso VC and mentor at TechStars Boston. I learned so much about how the company was formed and the ins and outs of growing a business successful. I learned enough that I could immediately see the value when I was discussing many of the same topics today.
Thanks for the free book as well Hubspot! I’m already 40 pages deep and its a good read for anyone interested in marketing in this century. Find it here at Amazon. Hopefully my millions of readers and the subsequent exposure will cover the cost of printing 😛
Today I got to sit in on an intimate marketing workshop with 7 other lucky individuals. The event was organized by Hazel Butters of Prompt Communications and was invaluable. She gave us many great tips and ideas on how to really get the best results from marketing and PR. I really look forward to the next event with her.
It was great to offer my experience and knowledge as well to fellow businesspeople trying to work with social media. I may still feel like the new kid on the block, but I’m learning fast and I truly think I’m forming to this niche. I couldn’t be more satisfied.
I also got a Droid X today on eBay! This is epic for me because I’ve turned a lot of heads being in social media and not having the internet with me all the time. That and my 8gb iPod nearing capacity were enough to justify the splurge. I can’t wait to try it out and find out what an ap is! These are exciting time for sure.