Autumn has arrived whether we’re ready for it or not. With it brings cooler temperature, seasonal pumpkin spice drinks and changing out your summer wardrobe to heavier garments like sweaters and jackets. However, cleaning out your closet isn’t the only fall housekeeping that should be done during this season of crunchy leaves and apple picking. Organizing and prioritizing your “to do” social initiatives and digital projects are in order to make sure you stay on top of the latest social trends, platforms and key ideas. The seasons are changing and so should your digital approach.
Don’t be stuck in your old ways
As humans, it’s in our blood to resist change when we’re stuck in our ways. We feel safe and comfortable in our routine, so why change a good thing? Unfortunately, many brands are unwilling to take the risk to make a change to their digital behavior and strategy; thus, they will never know what they are missing out on until it’s too late. So, how does one do it? Start by setting a list of goals and tailoring your daily routine to meeting those goals. For example, reach out to two or three followers per day by engaging through Facebook or Twitter. Not only will they not expect this, but will most likely appreciate the effort and begin to build a relationship with your brand.
Make a statement
Countless marketers and digital professionals alike are constantly trying to figure out how to stand out from the masses. This fall, don’t sit back and watch as other brands are successfully pulling off successful marketing campaigns and promotions while you struggle to keep up. Set your brand apart and make a statement about your brand. What are you trying to accomplish by being digitally active? Ask yourself this before tackling a major initiative. Would you like to acquire more customers? Build relationships with new potential consumers? Foster relationships with your current client base? All of the above? Once you are able to pinpoint exactly what your goals are, it’s time to be bold and make a statement. Think about the successful brands you know. Are these companies successful because they found their niche which essentially helped them stand out from their competition? If so, how did they execute? Think about what you can do this fall for your brand that will bring your company to the next level. Holding a brainstorming session with co-workers and colleagues is a great first step.
Fall has made its way back on the calendar after a warm and relaxing summer. Now that a new crunchy leaf has turned, when will you be cleaning out your digital wardrobe? Do you have any ideas for your company this fall? Let us know and comment below or tweet to us @TRA360!