One of Proulx’s main points to understanding viral social media, was to find a way for relevant people or brands in your industry read or watch your content, and find it interesting enough to spread across multiple platforms. By providing custom content to a specific demographic that is human and relatable, more web media coverage will be generated.Piggybacking on this concept is the idea of web video content and how this type of content is more accessible to consume and create. Today, American businesses are catching on, and quickly. Over 54% of North American companies plan on spending more on video content this year. One extreme example are the highly anticipated Super Bowl commercials. Humans play a role in distributing content that brands and marketers are producing through their computers and mobile devices because they find the content amusing, relevant, interesting or funny.
Furthermore, what is a successful social media campaign, video or non-video, without an accurate measurement of marketing success? First, understanding the types of measurements to show ROI on content marketing is crucial. The idea of not all media impressions are created equal is a major factor to consider when eyeballing the number of hits on your video or social media page. Yes, the number of views measures content consumption, but paying attention to strictly numbers will not fully measure your social media success because who is viewing your page, socializing your content, and taking action to share with others are the hits that really count.
How do you measure social success and ROI for your marketing initiatives? Let us know by commenting below or tweet to us @TRA360!