The Twitterverse is an all-encompassing realm of social media. You have your followers, direct messages, and newspapers? Paper .Li newspapers have become the hidden gem of this social media platform and the key for Twitter recognition and popularity. Paper .Li newspapers are a great way to become a recognized thought leader in your industry by taking content from Twitter and featuring tweets as various articles in your paper. By giving credit to the authors for their content on your page, people will start to re-tweet, direct message, and thank you for featuring them.
Wondering how a Paper .Li newspaper can make your company stand out from the crowd?
In addition to just tweeting excellent content I know you have in hopes of being featured in someone else’s .Li paper, why not create your own? .Li papers can be created for any and every industry. Technical writing papers, technology papers, even scientific-focused papers; it’s totally up to you what you write about and whom you feature. After all, you are the author and creator of your own paper so YOU decide whose content you are featuring from Twitter! If a person in your industry is active on Twitter, you have free content for your newspaper right at your fingertips. Once you begin featuring other people’s content regularly and establishing new online relationships, you may even begin to acquire some regular readers! Check out one user’s story about her experience with .Li newspapers.
So what are you waiting for? Get Paper .Li’ing and see your Twitter popularity and activity increase overnight! Comment below and let us know your thoughts on the concept of Paper .Li newspapers!