Businesses across the globe who use Facebook to promote their brand and engage with their consumers are wrapping their heads around the concept of Facebook Timeline. For those of you who have not been up-to-date with the latest social media news, company Facebook pages will soon develop into a “Timeline”; the same Timeline individual users are now being integrated into using.
Timeline is exactly what it sounds like; a visual progress report of life experience starting with the day you created your Facebook account. Timeline brings back those old pictures from 2005 that you forgot to un-tag, or those embarrassing posts you forgot to delete. Similarly, brands are struggling with the idea of customers and consumers being exposed to old marketing techniques that may not have worked, or failed campaigns from the past. Although Timeline may seem like a skeptical addition to the Facebook platform, what does this shift mean for brands?
In the Forbes article, “Will Facebook Timeline Force Brands to Shift Strategy?” the author discusses how Timeline will offer brands more insight into their audience’s interest and interactions. This knowledge will essentially provide brands with an opportunity to market consequently with this crucial set of relevant data. By connecting directly with its consumers and seeing each individual on a personal level, a brand can alter their marketing techniques accordingly and create effective and successful campaigns based on the information that is provided about their consumer’s demographics, interests and passions through Timeline.
Sure, we might all be a little uneasy about how powerful Facebook is and what information that we thought was safe, but users have to understand the world of social media is constantly changing and evolving for the better. Timeline allows its users to connect on a deeper level with their friends, family, and their favorite brands. On the other hand, brands can develop more intimate relationships and connect deeper with their consumers and customers to develop relationships and build credibility. What do you think about Facebook Timeline for brands? Let us know below!